Thursday 9 December 2010

I give up.

I am totally, 100% no longer interested in the nonsense that is The Event. I say I'll give up, but I won't. I'll just moan about how I have to watch it every week. Due to work and the fact that University doesn't allocate television watching time like selfish idiots, I got behind. 2 weeks behind. I'm not even through the first catch up episode, I'm watching it as I write, and I don't care. As soon as Jason Ritter started to get involved with the aliens I decided that all hope was lost.

Slash, he's her son!? Ew. Thomas is Sophia's son!? Gross, they are so totally incestuous. Unless that's cool with the aliens. What would I know? I'm also enjoying that the FBI agents are all like, "No, we can't prosecute Simon, even though he tried to ruin everyone's lives, coz he's our friend." AS IF! Oh God, all of this is so ludicrous. Mainly that the Director of National Intelligence is called Blake.

If they had just kept everything separate, at least for a bit longer, I think I would have had more interest. I really enjoyed the bit about why they kidnapped his girlfriend, who was doing it blah blah blah, and I knew it would have to coincide with the alien crap eventually, but he found her way too quickly and now they've found out about the aliens I'm suicidal about the whole thing. So, I give up. Official. After I've caught up you understand.

On the plus side, I've also got 2 episodes of The Mentalist to watch which means lots of Simon Baker. Excellent.

OH MY GOD. I JUST FINISHED WATCHING IT! Was there really any need for that ending. I will now not be sleeping for about 25 years as those little girl's faces are truly hilarious but also terrifying. What, in the name of all that is holy, is going on?! I don't even care, but now I feel as though I've been scared into watching. Slash, if the acting gets any more terrible, I may be forced to shoot myself.

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