Monday 24 October 2011

This is why I'm a genius

You know when you're sat alone, casually watching B*Witched videos on YouTube, disguising your procrastination with reminiscence of days gone by, practicing your best Irish accent? It was from this humble beginning that I discovered myself to be the next Einstein.

Now, I love me a bit of 'C'est la Vie', but once you've watched it eight times, it can begin to get on your nerves. Naturally, I progressed onto the 5ive classic, 'When the Lights Go Out', a video so powerfully representative of our generation it's breathtaking.

Clearly, with 5ive being the international success that they were, and quite obviously still are, they were bound to have some of the world's biggest talent make guest appearances in their videos, particularly for a song that spoke to a generation. Therefore, I was in no way surprised to see, before my very own eyes, one Hayley 'I'm so famous' Scott, bumping and grinding with one Richard 'Abs' Breen. The filthy whore.

Actually, I was very surprised to see Hayley 'I'm so famous' Scott in the video, and my spotting of her in said video, due to the fact she is in it for 5 whole English seconds, is what makes me a genius worthy of international recognition and praise. I hope this is clear.

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