Wednesday 22 September 2010

Bieber Not-so-much Fever

Whilst I am painfully aware that I am currently blogging about televisual treats of the past, I've got to talk about Justin Bieber's performance at the VMAs last week. It was beyond excellent. I have this love/hate relationship with Bieber where I hate him for making me love his irritably catchy songs. If I was 12, I would worship the Bieber ground that he walks on, it's just a shame he's got the kind of face you want to throw rocks at.

The VMAs in general were a let down. I don't even know why I get excited about them anymore. It's always obvious who's going to win, the hosts get continuously irritating and the performances more and more scripted. I have to admit that Chelsea Handler's sketches with the Lohan and Bieber were highly amusing, but for the most part, she was painful. It felt as though she was just saying random words and hoping they'd make a punchline. But this is completely beside the Justin Bieber point.

His performance was my absolute fave of the night. Coming in on his car, running through a crowd of screaming girls who were obviously actors but genuinely wanted to grab hold of him and squeeze him, changing from a red bomber jacket to a way cooler black one, slapping a cool cap on his head and miming his way through a medeley of all his classics whilst children no older than 3 were dancing round him in what I'm assuming was an attempt to make him look like a regular sized human being. It was just excellent. And then he did his drum solo... Oh the drum solo! I was actually quite impressed with his drumming, but when he dropped one of his sticks, oh the hilarity! Disappointingly, he pulled it back, finished in the 'coolest' of styles and ran to hug his entourage of 45 year old men, large enough to kill bears, and who obviously couldn't care less about Bieber's success, as 25million tons of ticker tape fell onto the crowd of fitting girls.

I don't think I'll ever get bored of it, ever. Just genius.
Watch it here, I promsie it's worth it: