Tuesday 21 September 2010


Hello and welcome to I Miss Brookside, a (hopefully) satirical blog dedicated to critiquing and reviewing TV, film, and pretty much anything else worth commenting on.

I would primarily like the thank Monday night's abismal episode of One Tree Hill for riling me enough to start this blog and vent my frustration. It was just awful. I mean, Ilove One Tree Hill, and I'm not ashamed to admit that depsite the pathetic guest stars, the storylines that make 90210 seem realistic and the fact that every single character now appears to be a celebrity, the worse it gets the more I find myself enjoying it. Now that sappy, pain-in-the-arse Lucas has gone and stopped providing the painful voiceovers that start and end the show with a 'deep and meaningful' but completely irrelevant and futile look at the world, I no longer want to throw things at the television screen. The acting isn't even that bad, but the script is...

Monday saw international singing sensation, Hayley James Scott (the most famous singer in the whole entire world ever) throw an 80s themed dance at Tree Hill High. "Why?!" you may ask. I couldn't honestly tell you, other than the fact that the episode was some sort of John Hughes tribute. My favourite thing about Hayley 'I'm so famous' Scott's dance was that no one seemed arsed that she was this huge international pop-star, casually throwing a particularly crappy high school dance. And, even more amusing, was that no one remembered her birthday. Not her son, her best friends, not even her huge following of hardcore fans that for some unbeknownst reason sell out all the gigs. Not even her sister. Poor Hayley James Scott. And speaking of her sister, why was Quinn so obsessed with crimping her hair? If you're that desperate, DO IT! She didn't even look 80s, more 'what were you thinking?'

Of course, my favourite character is Julian, the saviour of the show, the Christ of Tree Hill. Whilst I'm still trying to work out why the script writers thought it would ever be a good idea to have him and Brooke break up over nothing, I am revelling in the costume department's interesting attempt to dress him as Duckie from Pretty in Pink. Being a die-hard Pretty in Pink fan, I loved it of course, but at the same time, his tiny hat and sunglasses made him look as though he had the head of a giant. And what was Brooke wearing!? Dear God...

Finally, my last complaint about this particular episode was the hideous sound edit towards the end whilst Mouth was talking to that girl from England, or Australia or South Africa or wherever the hell she's from. The music went from blasting over their speech to suddenly fading into the background in the space of a milisecond. It was almost outrageous that they thought they could get away with it.

Overall though, it was pretty entertaining and, as nausea inducing it was when Alex coined the name 'Brulian' which I'm sure was intended in some 'ironic' way, I'm completely and utterly engrossed in their relationship. Perhaps maybe that was a slight exaggeration, but I'm definitely interested enough to continue to watch the show. Although why the writers thought it would be 'cute' to have two characters called Alex, I'll never quite understand. They'll so end up together.

1 comment:

  1. not impressed with the dissing of Lucas but love the hating of Hayley and her shitty musical career. X
