Tuesday 2 November 2010

"I think she'll be an owl..."

Just when you thought One Tree Hill couldn't possibly get any worse, they bring the world the worst ever in the history of humanity worst series finale ever. And what makes it even worse, is that E4 decided to show it as a double bill, as though the suspense from the first part would be so great that we couldn't physically wait another week for the next one. Either that or they just wanted it to end. On reflection it's probably the latter. In fact, it's definitely the latter.

I actually made notes. I never make notes on anything, but so many bad things happened that I realised about 5 minutes in that I would never be able to remember them, and they were too good to waste.

Hayley 'I'm so famous' Scott is just the worst. The worst. She makes depression laughable. I love that she practically refuses to speak to anyone and instead decides that the best way to behave is to regress to some sort of spoilt 16 year old brat. She just strolls into Clothes Over Bros with Brooke and gives Victoria all this 'tude. It's like, nah-uh honey, I ain't takin' that. She was even chewing gum. I mean, what the hell. I don't think I will ever understand why the writers seem to think that we will believe that Hayley inspires anyone. Oh wait, I forgot,   she's a multi-platinum selling musician who inspires the world through her lyrics. How silly of me. I also forgot that being depressed means that you can't do laundry. That's why Nathan had to do it and turned all Jamie's socks pink! God Hayley, you need to stop being such a diva and do your husband's washing, bitch. What a terrible mother. I knew, as soon as you saw her on the phone, that Hayley was ringing her mother's mobile. What a tool. And Nathan's discovery of this was genius. "Hmmmm... why are there so many calls to Hayley's mum's number from Hayley's cell? Hmmmmm... Mystery..." GAY!

And what the hell was Quinn's Goonie inspired trail all about? There is no need for all these pointless sub-plots. Not that you can really call that a plot. It was more like, 'We've paid for her this season, let's use her'. He's 7, he's not a retard. Although it's questionable. If my auntie had tried to make me so something that stupid I would have thrown the biggest tantrum ever and torn up her stupid map right in her face. Slash, can I just say, that the 'snack' they were having wasn't fooling anyone. There is no way in hell that kid snacks on carrot sticks. Not unless they're coated in lard. The worst part about it was when Jamie drew that picture for Hayley. "Mama, you're our treasure, Love Jamie". Vom. Hayley, you are quite possibly my least favourite person on television, and I have some very strong feelings about Cher Lloyd and Louis Walsh.

Speaking of Quinn, I swear to God, how many times does she need to be naked. I get it, she's got a great body, thanks for rubbing that in my big fat face and making me feel greatly inferior. But seriously. OK, when she was trying to 'seduce' Clay (I don't think the word 'cringe' has ever been more appropriate) it made sense, but getting locked outside in a bikini, in the middle of the snowy Utah mountains... What? And then, 'Oh look here, a strategically placed furry hat and some walking boots! I shall now walk through this freezing blizzard to the local cafe where I will storm in a demand a key from my increasingly less attractive boyfriend.' Not cool. I wish they'd make her character less wet. She's such a drip. Shut up, Quinn. No one cares. I'm glad she got shot. Oooops. Don't want to spoilt the painfully abysmal ending...

I love Julian. I love him. But he needs a haircut, and after I declared this, it was later referenced about 5 times throughout the two episodes. Why doesn't he get it cut then? Ah... that is something we will never know. They mystery of One Tree Hill. Brooke is such a fatty trying to get out bless her. But as if he has the Film Festival people saved in his phone contacts. When the phone rang and the name appeared, it was just painful. That doesn't happen ever! And no one will ever want to see his movie because it has the most awful name ever, "Seven Days Til Tuesday". What?! That doesn't even make sense. And it sounds like the kind of film that would make me want to hang myself.

Slash, I can't believe I haven't mentioned Hayley 'I'm so famous' Scott's suicide attempt. Well, it was advertised as a suicide attempt. In reality, it was more like she was swimming underwater for a long time and then Nathan jumped in and ruined her fun. "Breathe, Hayley! Breathe!" Erm... she is breathing. She's absolutely fine. It wasn't even dramatic. If you can count on One Tree Hill for anything, then it's a sense of over the top drama. But no, even that has sadly disappeared.

Back to Julian. Although his movie is awful, despite the standing ovation, (yeah, OK...) he looked nice in his suit. Slash, Jamie's premiere suit wasn't even funny. What kind of mother lets their child go to a highly photographed event dressed as a bull fighter? She's obviously too famous for regular clothing. But Julian has great taste in engagement rings. Quite possibly the worst proposal ever, but the ring was pretty impressive. Good old Brulian.

It's says here in my notes, "Jamie's fringe". Need I say more? I think not.

Oh my God, Quinn is such an idiot. There she was, taking a nice walk with her "baby" sister and she has to ruin it with, "Mom believed in reincarnation. I think she'll be an owl..." I'm sorry, what? Que? Quoi? An owl? Words fail me. All I could think for the 20 minutes that followed was, "I'm not an owl, Ron!" My favourite line from Harry Potter ever. Ho, ho, ho! But when Hayley saw that owl at the end, literally all I could do was sigh. It was so predictable and so ludicrous. And as if she went up to it and stroked it! WHAT ARE YOU DOING YOU CRAZY BITCH!? IT'S AN OWL! I was just waiting for it to lose it's mind and start clawing her eyes out. I was very disappointed when it didn't, I'm not going to lie.

I don't care about Grubbs, Mia or Stephen from Laguna Beach. I feel like they're just there to kill some time. And why did Stephen from Laguna Beach go to Utah with them? Has he even ever spoken to Julian?! Go and hang out with LC, leave everyone alone you annoying little boy. Oh, I don't care about pubescent Justin Timberlake either. No one cares if he's gay or not. I don't think anyone would care if he was dead. Slash, I'm sure that Hollywood is full of really attractive rubbish actors, why not cast one of them as the 'leading man'? This guy must be the producer's son or something. How embarrassing.

Just a quick note about Alex. First of all, I know she wants to hide her scars and all, but what's with the arm warmer/vest combo? Not a cute look. And if she was that worried about scars, maybe she should have put more thought into how she was going to kill herself instead of acting on impulse. Serves her right. And also, how is having a different name a secret of the same magnitude as hiding your homosexuality from your family and the international press and public? Erm... let me think. It's not. Everyone has a stage name you idiot. WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO BRAND ALICE AS A HORRIBLE NAME!? Her and her pube-headed actor friend make me sick. Was it meant to be dramatic? "It's Alice, Alice Whitehead..." Actually, that's just about a normal name as Alex Dupree, although, not as trampy. Bitch.

Now, to the ending of this season. Usually, there's a good ending. We all remember Hayley and Nathan's wedding when the limo crashed into the lake. Loves it. We all remember Dan Scott shooting Keith. Will anyone ever remember this? Probably not. And let me tell you why. First off, Hayley's pregnancy is now surprise. The only surprising thing about it is that she is now some sort of psychic and can tell the sex of the baby by magic or voodoo or something. "I'm pregnant and I think it's going to be a girl." Who says that? No one. Second of all, a shooting should always have impact. This was quite possibly the worst shooting I have ever witnessed. As soon as Clay told Quinn to go to bed, I knew CrazyBitch would be waiting. BANG! I love that Clay's response to an obvious gun shot in his house was an inquisitive, "Quinn...?" as if she'd knocked something over. 'I know what I'll do, I'll follow the sound of the gun shot and see what's happening...' No, Clay, you're clearly an idiot. BANG! Now, from all my experience in gun crime, I'm pretty sure that those shots would have killed both of them. Yet I know this to not be the case. This is the issue when America are so far ahead. I know that both of them are going to be in the next season. So it's obvious. There was no drama, no tension. I wanted some sort of Derek/Peyton thing, where it was so tense that I actually couldn't watch. It made me jump so badly. Whereas with this I was more, 'Hmm.. OK, whatevs' which a casual shrug of the shoulders. The best bit of this boring shooting was CrazyBitch's exit. I love how she used the curtain like a cape; swinging it over her shoulders as she disappears into the night. It was genuinely like some sort of piss take. It was almost as if they were trying to be ironic. It was that bad.

Dear One Tree Hill,
Please let Julian get his hair cut and marry Brooke in a nice happy ceremony (with lots of twists). Please help Jamie cut the carbs. Please give Quinn some clothes. Please don't let Hayley's pregnancy come between her and her loyal fans. Please let Clay live and realise that actually he and Quinn are really annoying together and he could be a lot more interesting if he actually grew a pair and started behaving like a normal human being. Oh, and please, please, PLEASE get some new scriptwriters.
Thanking you in advance,
Alice. x

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