Thursday 21 October 2010

Did I hear Justin Bieber Boyband...?

Too freakin' right I did!

At approximately 4.15pm, I received cryptic text from the very same strictly anonymous source who informed me of Festa, saying this: "Just a heads up, my mate who works in Topman said that Simon Cowell & a few contestants will be in Topshop around 5pm xx". Read into this what you will. I was sitting with a group of chums casually discussing the torture that lay before us in the form of a book launch of sorts when I received this textual message. Having been discussing the Justin Bieber Boyband with a blonde haired amigo all the long day, we decided that this was too good an opportunity to miss, and so off we ran into the cold night...

Given that we ultimately had 15 minutes to get there, in rush hour, after half an hour of debate as to whether my weakened heart would be able to cope, we managed to get there as the clock struck 5. We very casually strolled around Topman looking and acting very nonchalant so as not to arouse the suspicions of fellow shoppers. The Bieber Boyband was ours and we were not letting some sweaty geg-heads get their hands on them. "They're coming! They're coming!" shouted a not so subtle gay who was clearly meant to be keeping this information on the down-low. So after being followed by about 12 security guards who obviously mistook us for shoplifters, we decided that being outside would be best to get a glimpse of their genius. As we waited, rubbing shoulders with Sir Philip Green on his old-school Nokia and that stylist judge woman with the glasses from Britain's Next Top Model, we wondered if they would ever come. After approximately an hour and 45 minutes waiting, a ginormous crowd worthy of Sir Craig David himself suddenly emerged, forcing me and my blonde haired amigo and two other (late) companions out of the way. I would now suggest the use of a few choice words became more and more frequent as more and more people, who, by the way, had no idea what was going on, came and barged in front of us. Rude. But it was all worth it, as just as my hands were about to fall off my arms with cold, just as the battery on my camera died, just as I was about to stamp on a small child's head, lo and behold came The Biebers.

Now, you may think I have just taken a random picture of some people walking into Topshop, but look closer, and you will realise that the blur in the centre of the image is actually none other than Zain Malik, Asian Bieber himself, and second most attractive member of Justin Bieber Boyband. Next to him, on the left would be Other Bieber. Then, second to Asian Bieber's right would be Harry 'from Cheshire' Styles, YES THAT'S RIGHT, Curly Bieber, my favourite of all the Biebers including Justin. (Slash, maybe not Justin). 

I have photos of the other contestants, namely Matt in the Hat, who was coincidentally (or maybe not that coincidentally given his name) wearing the very hat that spawned his nickname, but they don't matter. Not when you have 3 of the 5 Biebers from the Boyband caught on camera.

I believe I screamed louder than the 12 year old girl next to me, and then proceeded to declare, "Oh my God, they're so fit!" Yeah... Not my finest hour, but I was caught up in the excitement of the whole event and, let's be honest, they're pretty fit...

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